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Concussion-Related Vision Care at PeakSight Family Eyecare

Concussions can have a profound impact on your vision, leading to symptoms like blurred vision, light sensitivity, and difficulty focusing.

At PeakSight Family Eyecare, we specialize in diagnosing and treating visual problems related to concussions, helping you on the road to recovery.

The Impact of Concussions on Vision

A concussion, often caused by a blow or trauma to the head, can disrupt normal brain function, including how your eyes work together. This can lead to a range of visual symptoms, such as:

  • Blurred or Double Vision: Difficulty focusing or seeing clearly.
  • Light Sensitivity (Photophobia): Increased discomfort in bright light conditions.
  • Difficulty Reading or Concentrating: Trouble with tasks that require sustained visual attention.
  • Eye Strain and Headaches: Discomfort after using screens or reading for extended periods.

Our Approach:

  • Comprehensive Vision Assessment: Our optometrists conduct detailed exams to evaluate the full extent of your visual issues post-concussion. This includes testing for binocular vision problems, focusing issues, and light sensitivity.
  • Custom-Tailored Treatment: We offer a variety of solutions, including specialized lenses like Neurolens, Avulux, and Altius to alleviate symptoms. For more severe cases, we may recommend vision therapy to help retrain your eyes and brain to work together more effectively. We can also work with your other doctors to pinpoint other systemic factors that may be adding to your fog and discomfort and get you the answers you deserve. 
  • Ongoing Support: Recovery from a concussion can be a gradual process, and we provide ongoing care and adjustments to your treatment plan as needed to ensure optimal recovery.